Pre-Licensing Determinations

Assembly Bill 319 (2019) allows an individual to petition a professional or occupational licensing board for a determination of whether the person's criminal history will disqualify them from obtaining a license.

Requesting a Pre-Licensing Determination

If you would like to request a pre-licensing determination, please email the Board at and include ALL of the following: 

  • Your full name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, and license type you would like to apply for;
  • A detailed explanation of your request and the incident(s) in question;
  • Copies of all available supporting documentation to support the request (i.e. court orders, probation reports, etc.). These may also be mailed to the Board Office. 


The Board's Executive Director will review all documentation provided and may contact the Petitioner for further clarification and/or to request additional documentation to substantiate the circumstances and/or resolution of the incident reported. After this review, the Executive Director will either: 

  • Make a determination on the matter; OR
  • Place the matter on the agenda of the next meeting for a review by the Board.

Notification of Determination & Petitioner Response

  • The Petitioner will be notified of the Licensing Eligibility Determination within 90 days of their request. The determination will include any remedy necessary to mitigate identified disqualifying factors. The Board’s determination is non-binding and may be rescinded at any time.
  • A Petitioner may respond within 6 months from the date of the original Licensing Eligibility Determination with documentation of the remedies that have been implemented to mitigate identified disqualifying factors. The Executive Director will issue a Final Determination within 90 days in consultation with the Board’s legal counsel as to the adequacy of the remedy.  
  • A Petitioner may submit a new written petition for licensing eligibility determination with supporting documentation provided no earlier than 2 years from the date of the last Final Licensing Eligibility Determination.
Page Updated: 7/18/2022 4:31:07 PM